Photos Courtesy of Ivy Niles aka iKandi Clay
Because clay is somewhat forgiving, many of us began claying just sort of 'winging it'. Build some elements, squish them into a triangle of sorts & cross your fingers as they are placed together. Hence, we all know about wonky canes. All true clay Masters share a common work habit, planning their cane elements from the onset to be a 3 or 10 or even 24 section kaleidoscope. We should begin with a template for the cane we plan to create. I have a complete selection of templates which I made from heavy poster board that I love, they take up no room at all. You can print any of the photos below & cut out just 1 section from each to make your templates. For kaleidoscopes with straight sides (squares, etc.) simply extend the lines outward & square your pattern off before creating your template.
3, 4 & 12 section kaleidoscope canes
3, 4, 6, 8 & 24 sections
3, 5 & 15 sections
5 & 10 sections
7 & 14 sections
As you can see, she puts a lot of effort into clean lines. By putting extra care into the initial cane lines & angles, as you join the canes to form your kaleidoscope, your design elements will join Much cleaner. You will have a perfect professional kaleidoscope... no more 'wonky'! Now let's see some of Ivy's canes that she has posted in her Etsy store. Ivy couldn't have chosen a better name than iKandiClay, her kaleidoscopes are eye candy indeed!
I find that templates are an essential tool in my creative process. As Ivy has shown, they are important to achieve a genuinely professional kaleidoscope. I will be introducing several new techniques that also utilize templates, used in a very different fashion. So, hit your studio and begin building your template library. Let's create something beautiful today!
ClayPlay Liz
PDF: Ivy 'iKandi Clay' Niles - Kaleidoscope Cane Click here for pdf
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